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What the World Will Look Like If We Do Nothing to Stop Climate Change

Article Excerpt:

side from its meteorological effects, climate change is also wreaking havoc on our minds: Younger generations are bitterly denouncing their elders in climate protests and mental illnesses are spreading as people feel powerless to avert catastrophe.

Unfortunately, this is one occasion where the figurative sky is really falling. The prophets of doom-and-gloom are correct in that food shortages, social instability and extreme weather events will define our future.

Of course, it’s not entirely too late. Humanity still has a chance to reduce its dependency on oil, coal and gas for our energy needs.

And if we don’t, the future will be bleak indeed. Salon spoke to experts to assess what the Earth will look like 100 years from now if we do nothing to change the current trajectory of industrial civilization. Perhaps predictions will jump-start humanity into action.

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