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Sir David Attenborough: “Collapse of civilization on the horizon”

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The article discusses a statement by Sir David Attenborough, a well-known naturalist and broadcaster, that the collapse of civilization is on the horizon due to climate change. Attenborough warned that the impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events and food shortages are already being felt around the world and that these impacts are likely to get worse in the coming years. He also stressed that the window of opportunity to take action to prevent the collapse of civilization is closing rapidly.

Attenborough urged the public to take action to reduce their carbon footprint and to support politicians and policies that promote sustainable development. He also called on the business community to invest in sustainable technologies and to reduce their own carbon emissions. He emphasized that the collapse of civilization can still be prevented if we take immediate and decisive action on climate change. The article highlights the importance of taking immediate action to slow down climate change, as the situation is alarming and time is running out.

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