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Paul Ehrlich Predicts Imminent End of the World, Collapse of Civilization, Mass Starvation and Extinction

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The article is discussing Paul Ehrlich, a biologist who has been warning of the end of the world due to overpopulation and environmental degradation since the 1960s. The author notes that Ehrlich has consistently predicted that the world is on the brink of collapse and that mass starvation and extinction are imminent. He has been criticized by some for his predictions not coming true and for the fact that some of the predictions he made in the past have not been accurate.

The author argues that Ehrlich’s predictions are not only wrong but also harmful as they discourage people from taking action on important issues such as overpopulation, environmental degradation and other important issues. Instead of focusing on the doom and gloom predictions, the author suggests that we should focus on finding solutions to these issues and working towards a more sustainable future. The author suggests that the best way to prepare for the future is to take action on the issues at hand, rather than succumbing to fear-mongering and predictions of impending doom.

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