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Harrison Ford Says It’s Okay To Punch One Kind Of Person

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Harrison Ford may be the most iconic Nazi-puncher committed to cinema for his expert portrayal of Indiana Jones across the span of the classic treasure-hunter’s five film run. According to a recent interview from Yahoo News correspondent Kevin Polowy, Harrison Ford confirms the moral imperative associated with punching real life Nazis, in reference to the recent rise in alt-right politics spreading across the world. When prompted with the question of how Indiana Jones would respond to the modern day rise of fascism, Ford responded bluntly, stating “He’d push ’em out of the way to get in the first punch. As well he should.”

As more and more people seem to be flooding toward dangerous echo chambers reaffirming their own unethical beliefs, the discourse surrounding Nazi-punching has become a hot button issue. Conversely, Harrison Ford has long been regarded as one of the funniest and most relatable A-list stars in Hollywood, with many stills and soundbites from his interviews frequently becoming clipped and shared as memes and GIFs across the internet. Therefore, it shocked some fans when Ford stated his political leanings in such a broad an unflinching capacity, leading to a host of bad faith discourse on Twitter.

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