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Happiness Really Comes Down to Four Simple Strategies

Article Excerpt:

There’s no shortage of emotionally draining news these days — whether it be an abundance of layoffs or more evidence for rising rates of burnout. But as we enter Mental Health Awareness Month this May, we might all benefit from the advice from someone who is not only an expert in wellness, with eight decades of medical experience in the field, but also someone with 103 years of life experience.

Dr. Gladys McGarey is often called the mother of holistic medicine, and is still going strong and actively consulting as a physician. In her new book, The Well-Lived Life, she shares her secrets to a century of health and happiness.

Here are four of her secrets that can become your personal strategy toward a life well-lived.

  1. Choose love over fear
  2. Build your own thriving community
  3. Be a student of the world
  4. Spend your energy wildly

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