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Experts: AI will Take Jobs but also Make Jobs

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“Recent artificial intelligence tools appear to be able to do what humans can and faster, but that means some people may be out of a job.

AI experts said the technology will actually create a large number of employment opportunities.

Shelly Palmer, a professor of advanced media at Syracuse University, said jobs like middle managers, salespeople, writers and journalists, accountants and bookkeepers, and doctors who specialize in things like drug interactions are “doomed” when it comes to the possibility of AI being incorporated into their jobs.

Palmer said jobs like these will all use AI but not necessarily be replaced by AI entirely.  “It’s not going to replace you. Someone who knows how to use it well is going to take your job, and that’s a guarantee,” she said.  By 2025, the World Economic Forum predicts that 85 million jobs will be displaced by automation and technology, but it will also create 97 million new roles.”

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