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Don’t be sucked in by AI’s head-spinning hype cycles

Source article originally published on January 25, 2023

Article Summary:

The article discusses the hype cycles surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can be misleading for people to believe in its capabilities without understanding its limitations. It points out how in recent years, AI has gone through several hype cycles, with each one promising more than the previous one, but in reality, the technology has not always lived up to the hype. The article also mentions how the hype around AI can lead to unrealistic expectations, which can cause disappointment and discourage investment in the technology.

The article also highlights the importance of understanding the difference between “narrow” and “general” AI. Narrow AI, also known as weak AI, is designed for specific tasks such as image recognition and language translation, while general AI, also known as strong AI, has the capability to perform any intellectual task that a human can. It is important to note that currently, most of the AI in use today is narrow AI and that developing general AI is still a work in progress. The article concludes by encouraging people to be more critical of the hype around AI and to understand its limitations and capabilities.

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