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ChatGPT is just the beginning: AI will transform the world

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ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence system developed by OpenAI, has been described as the first wave of a larger AI revolution. The system is capable of understanding and responding to natural language prompts, making it the first AI system to have a direct impact on ordinary lives. The launch of ChatGPT two months ago has been met with excitement from tech experts who see its enormous potential, but also raises ethical concerns. Microsoft’s chairman and CEO, Satya Nadella, says that the technology is just the beginning of a “whole new set of technologies that will be revolutionary.”

The potential impact of AI on society is enormous, with the technology expected to transform how we work, learn, interact with nations and even define art. A report by the US National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence concluded that “AI will transform the world.” Microsoft recently announced a second billion-dollar investment in OpenAI, further demonstrating its commitment to the technology. However, the rapid growth and adoption of AI also raises significant risks that need to be considered and addressed by society.

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