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Broke to Boss: Top Side Hustles for Students

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As a student in the UK, you’re probably well aware of the struggle to make ends meet – after all, we are all familiar with the ‘Cozzie Livs.’ But did you know that a recent study found that 72% of UK students worry about making extra cash, and 38% report that financial worries affect their mental health? It’s no wonder that many students are turning to side hustles to earn some extra cash and ease the financial burden.

The good news is that there are plenty of side hustles available to students in the UK. From tutoring to dog walking, there’s something for everyone. And the best part? You can often work flexible hours, allowing you to fit your side hustle around your studies and other commitments. In fact, a recent survey found that 42% of students in the UK have a side hustle, with the most popular side hustles being selling items online, tutoring, and freelancing.

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