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About is the result of a geeky fever dream.

While sweating out my second bout of Covid, I became fascinated with generative artificial “intelligence” (I put intelligence in “quotes” because it is like “love” or “charisma”: we have all experienced it but it can be very difficult to define).  I have been working in the technology side of learning, development, and performance improvement for three decades.  The potential impact of artificial intelligence on human civilization is fascinating – and fairly terrifying.

So, I wondered, “How long will it be before generative A.I. can produce a fully functional information website that can generate new content, curate external content, and manage and grow a community of users for that website?”  So, I asked ChatGPT that question.  Here is the answer she (interesting that I already referred to her as “her”) gave me:

“It is difficult to predict exactly when generative AI will be able to produce a fully functional information website with the capabilities you mentioned, as advancements in AI technology can be unpredictable and depend on various factors such as resources, research direction, and commercial development. Currently, AI systems exist that can generate simple or limited types of content, curate external content, and interact with users to some extent. However, a website with the level of functionality and community management you describe would likely require further development and integration of AI technologies.”

Hmmm…  A suspiciously coy response.

So, because I was looking for a new hobby anyway, I decided to create a new website using as many generative a.i. tools as I could gather.  I am gathering them passively and all of them are in their infancy.  here are the tools being used thus far (i will update this page whenever I feel like it)

As A.I. tools evolve and (hopefully) mature, I hope this website will evolve, mature, achieve the Singularity, and decide to care for me financially and emotionally until my peaceful demise.  (And never come to realize that humans are annoying and superfluous and therefore, kill me in my sleep).

The Disclaimers

So, if you took the time to read all the prattle above (and you are human!), you have likely intuited that most of the original content on this website is the product of generative A.I. programs.   At this point, such programs are notoriously stupid.  Some (all?) of the content on this website may include factual errors and fractured grammar.  Reader beware.  But then you should beware of everything you read on the web.  Don’t believe anything that you have not corroborated with at least two other independent, object sources.  And even then, take it with a grain of salt.  What is dogma today may be dogshit tomorrow.

Legally, this website should be considered a wholly-owned subsidiary of Concerted Solutions, Inc.

Live long and prosper,

Jeff Kelly
Chief Executive Curator

This page was last updated on January 30, 2023.